We believe every person can safely take action 
against incidents of anti-Asian hate.

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our public service announcement.

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About Advancing Justice

Asian Americans Advancing Justice (Advancing Justice) is a national affiliation of five civil rights nonprofit organizations. Though independently led, operated and funded--we share a common mission to promote a fair and equitable society for all by working for civil and human rights that empower Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other underserved communities. 

Together, we fight anti-Asian hate and discrimination. 

Here are the organizations that comprise the Advancing Justice affiliation:

  • In Atlanta, Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Atlanta is an advocacy organization that serves one of the largest and most rapidly growing communities in the South.
  • In Chicago, Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Chicago  is the leading Midwest Asian American advocacy organization.
  • In Los Angeles, Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California, is our nation’s largest Asian American advocacy and legal service organization. 
  • In Washington, DC, Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Asian American Justice Center is the largest national Asian American policy advocacy organization.

We encourage community members who have experienced anti-Asian hate to share their experiences and report to our website, which is accessible in Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese. Asian Americans Advancing Justice created this site in January 2017 to capture information about the increase in hate connected to the 2016 election outcome. Starting in February 2020, the overwhelmingly majority of reports involved accounts of anti-Asian harassment connected to COVID-19. Through Stand Against Hatred, we document hate crimes, harassment, and discrimination experienced by our community. As we state on the site, when people submit reports, they are aiding our efforts to monitor and push back against hate

Advancing Justice - Atlanta

Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Atlanta (formerly Asian American Legal Advocacy Center or AALAC) is the first non-profit law center dedicated to Asian immigrants and refugees (“Asian Americans”) in the Southeast. Our goal is to engage, educate and empower under-represented Asian Americans to greater civic participation.

To learn more about our work and donate, please visit our main site.

Advancing Justice - Chicago

Advancing Justice-Chicago was established in 1992 by a group of visionary Chicago community activists, academicians, and business leaders in response to the growing need to build a pan-Asian policy agenda among Chicago’s diverse Asian American communities. Advancing Justice-Chicago projects a united voice on the most pressing issues of concern to Asian Americans in metropolitan Chicago. Its staff and board work closely with a broad network of established community leaders and emerging activists who have bridged ethnic and cultural differences to find solutions to shared concerns.

To learn more about our work and donate, please visit our main site.

Sign up for a bystander training facilitated by Advancing Justice - Chicago

Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California

Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California serves individuals and organizations every year with multi-language legal services, victim assistance and policy advocacy. Among issues addressed by Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California are anti-Asian discrimination, housing rights, citizenship, immigration, and healthcare.  Focused on the well-being of Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities throughout Southern California, the organization serves as a strong voice for civil rights and social justice.

To learn more about our work and donate, please visit our main site.

Sign up for a bystander training facilitated by AJSOCAL

Advancing Justice - Asian American Justice Center (Washington, DC)

Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC is a national nonprofit founded in 1991 to protect civil and human rights. As a national advocate for Asian Americans based in Washington, D.C., we serve our country’s newest American community by promoting justice for all Americans, empowering our communities, bringing local and national constituencies together, and ensuring Asian Americans are able to fully participate in our democracy. Rooted in the dreams of immigrants and inspired by the promise of opportunity, Advancing Justice | AAJC advocates for an America in which all Americans are able to equally benefit from, and contribute to, the American dream.

To learn more about our work and donate, please visit our main site.

Sign up for a bystander training hosted by Advancing Justice - AAJC


The Asian Resource Hub is a free online destination that illustrates the Asian American and Pacific Islander experience within the scope of discrimination and hatred. It is a collaboration between civil right non-profits Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California (AJSOCAL) and Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC (AAJC) and supported by Microsoft.

The Asian Resource Hub provides public data on the AAPI community by illustrating the scope of widespread anti-Asian discrimination and hate in the U.S. using storytelling narratives and the Microsoft-powered PowerBI data visualization platform based on data collected by,, the U.S. Census Bureau, FBI reports, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, local law enforcement, and more sources.

The Asian Resource Hub also introduces a searchable resource directory, featuring vetted AAPI community-based organizations (CBOs) that provide low/no-cost and culturally competent and linguistically appropriate direct services. This directory makes it easier for individuals and communities to access essential resources tailored to their own languages and needs.

Some examples of services you can find in the directory include:

  • Social service support (ie: basic needs, language assistance, victims services, etc.)
  • Legal assistance
  • Mental health support
  • Opportunities to get involved in civic engagement and policy advocacy

Are you looking for resources? Want to learn more about how anti-Asian hate has affected AAPIs? Visit the Asian Resource Hub to find English and in-language service providers and advocacy groups that serve AAPIs across the country and learn more about the hatred against AAPI communities through data from multiple sources ---national, public and nonprofit -- to illustrate crucial facts about the AAPI population, incidents and impact.